Being Present
In our years of experience, we believe the essential key to success is “Being Present”. If leasing contracts are going to get signed and resident are to remain satisfied, it is imperative that our company be present and accessible to them. We pride ourselves in providing a professional atmosphere and a quality product for our customers. That is why we developed a proprietary training program for our leasing staff to teach the fundamentals and the finesse of leasing success. Some key points include dealing honestly and fairly with potential tenants and residents. Another key component is our Superior Service Program. This is where we guarantee to solve routing maintenance concerns in 24 hours.
We teach our on-site management staff that the proactive approach of Apartment Property Management Services, LLC, translates to lower turnover costs, all of which returns investment to our clients.
Our Team
Meet the APM staff

Paul Jubelt
Apartment Property Management Services, LLC is a full service national real estate investment and property management firm. Mr. Jubelt, President and a principal, has over 30 years experience in Real Estate brokerage, asset management, property acquisition, due diligence, receivership services and construction management. He has been a Florida Real Estate Broker for over 30 years as well as being a condominium Association Manager. He has participated in over $1 Billion in acquisitions to include closing on over 150 assets in various parts of the US. He has worked with both Large institutional and private equity funds, as well as regional and family office equity groups. He has an MBA from the Crummer Graduate School of Business, Rollins College, Winter Park Florida.

Dr. Christine Jubelt
Dr. Jubelt has over 30 years Real Estate, Asset management, Hospitality Management and Property Management experience. Recently she has completed research on asset performance, CAM certification, real estate negotiation, sustainability, and housing UK vs. US, and on High performing property managers and competencies. She has been a Real Estate broker for over 25 years and is CEO and managing member of Apartment Property Management services, LLC. She has participated in over $1 billion in Multi-family acquisitions and closings on many assets. She has experience and a deep understanding of the full multi-family investment lifecycle. Mrs. Jubelt was employed internationally by Kempinski Hotels, China in Hospitality business development. In addition she held positions with ITT Sheraton Corporation, Four Seasons Hotels, and Helmsley Hotel Corporation. She also teaches business finance and leadership at Rollins College. She has received her Doctorate degree and MBA (International Business) from the Crummer Graduate School of Business, Rollins College, Winter Park, Florida.

Lury Christian
Chief Financial Officer
A native of Ohio, Lury brings over 25 years of accounting experience to the property management industry. She has worked several years with Cardinal Industries and Barron Real Estate Services. However, has been a member of this team since December 1996. Lury’s experience and intellect is immeasurable as she not only oversees the accounting department but also plays a key role in the company’s mergers and million dollar acquisitions as well as budgeting and overseeing the preparation of financial reporting for investors and owners. In addition, she has a vast knowledge in business management / organization which is an invaluable asset.